This is for "J"

Author: Dutchess of Yum // Category:

Hey J,
I tried to comment on one of your blogs but was unsuccessful. So I decided just to post this on my blog.

I just wanted to leave you a few words of encouragement. You helped me in a difficult situation and for that I'm eternally grateful and want to offer the same kindness to you!! I will always feel that you are like a brother to me (and because of God goodness you are!) I want you to know that if you need to talk or want to just spill what may be bothering you, I am here for you! I am warm heart from Home! I love you and pray for you and your safety!

"No matter what life may throw at us, God is still in control. We can't try to run away hoping that everything will disappear. We must face it full on because we have God on our side, rooting for us!!"

Your Sister in Christ

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